Monday, January 19, 2009

Nasca---Nasca Lines

These are pictures of the Nazca Lines. They are located near Nasca, which is south of Lima on the Pan American Highway. The lines were not discovered until the 1920s when commercial airlines began flying overhead. The lines were made by the Nazca Indians from 300 b.c. to 600 a.d. Many scholars have studied the lines and there are many ideas as to their purpose but no conclusion has been made.
This one shows the Hummingbird plus many other lines---some were thought to be landing strips.

Another view of the Hummingbird.
Here's a link for more information:

The "Dog".
We viewed the lines from a flight overhead. There is a tower, but you can only see two designs. I tried really hard not to get sick, but was not successful. The pilot did a great job, the weather was perfect, but I think the banking to see the designs just did me in. Grant had to take the pictures because I was holding a bag.

The "Monkey".

The "Astronaut".
It was not discovered until the 1980s.
This one makes you go "hmmmm?"

This is a typical street picture in Nasca, which is south of Lima on the Pan American Highway. The guys driving carts were interesting to me. Notice that there isn't any car traffic on this street. The average Peruvian does not own a car, but taxis abound. Everyone takes a taxi or some form of public transportation wherever they go---or they walk. And, everyone walks. But, these carts are also everywhere. People use them as portable businesses of sorts. Guys will drive down the street announcing their arrival either selling stuff or collecting recyclable trash. Some will drive their cart to a corner and sell fruit or juice, or some sort of food. Many will sell textiles or souvenirs. I thought it was interesting.

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