Sunday, January 25, 2009

More pictures from Arequipa...

Grant and I tried to eat where the natives ate as much as possible. Here we are having breakfast at a literal "hole in the wall". We were the only gringos in the place, which wasn't fancy and probably not the cleanest place we could have chosen. It was about 6:30 in the morning and the other customers appeared to be working men who sat at their table eating and watching cartoons on the television mounted on the wall (no, not a flat screen :-)). Here Grant is placing his order. In the bottles were concoctions of different colors and consistencies. I chose one that looked like some kind of orange smoothie and it was good. Grant chose one that looked like a cross between oatmeal and malt 'o meal. He also had a sandwich of bread and cheese, which is a pretty typical Peruvian breakfast food. Grant thought his was great and it must have been pretty popular because several of the guys also had it. It was served in a large glass and you drank it. Breakfast that morning for the two of us probably cost about $1, more or less.
This is one view of the Plaza in Arequipa. The red and green flags hanging from the buildings are Christmas decorations. See the taxis all lined up. It's crazy and they drive crazy. I tried hard not to think about it when we were in one. Once we were in a taxi in the middle of traffic on a one way street---I say middle, because they really don't observe the lane concept, they just make their own lane or ramrod their way through the middle if the cars in front aren't going as fast as they want to---and the driver decided we needed to turn right. So, we did; we just cut in front of the car in the right lane and made our right turn. It took my breath away.

Here's a dog guarding his rooftop. I heard him barking from the street and went to the balcony of our hostel to get a good picture.

Look closely and you can see another dog barking on this rooftop patio. His patio is connected to the patio of the dog above and they were barking like crazy at whatever--who knows...

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