Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trip to Ollantaytambo

On Sunday morning, we left Cusco on a collectivo, a taxi for a group of people. We were going to take a bus, but this proved to be a good choice. In our collectivo were Juan Manuel, his mother Terecia, a lady from Japan, and some guy who lay in the back. He got off in Chinchero. Juan Manuel and his mom were going to Ollantaytambo to Juan Manuel's soccer game. It would have been fun to go see him play, but since we were only going to be in Ollantaytambo for the day, we had lots we wanted to see. Terecia was very nice and told us lots about the things we saw on our journey. The only problem was that she spoke only Spanish and I understood about 1/4 of what she said. I enjoyed the trip and it was fun meeting Juan Manuel.

This is a view of the Sacred Valley. It was beautiful and I could have taken tons of pictures, but our little taxi was going fast. We did stop once and I got to take this picture. It's pretty obvious why the Incas made this their home.

This lady carrying a bundle of sticks made for an interesting picture. Everywhere you went you could see people who still lived much the same way they did hundreds of years ago.

Sunday afternoon on the plaza---
life is good!

Our hostel in Ollantaytambo---"Ollantay" to the locals--- was quite scenic--- $15 a night and we had hot water in the sink and the best hot shower of the whole trip! The Andes mountains loom in the background. In the courtyard you can barely make out a stand with a game somewhat like washers. Some of the residents were playing as we headed out for a hike up the mountain overlooking the town.

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